Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (and Teens)
“To convert somebody go and take them by the hand and guide them.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas
Adult Faith Formation through RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) for ages 18 and up – is an annual Catechesis program that runs from early October – May who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith.
Participants are those who meet one of the following criteria: “Catechumen” never been baptized in the Catholic Church. “Candidate” Baptized in the Catholic Church but did not receive the other Sacrament of Initiation (First Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation).
This program which starts with prayerful reflection during which the inquirer participates in Catholic life and worship. The focus of the process is Christian Conversion, a change of heart in which the individual turns toward God and away from whatever is in the way of living a full Christian life.
RCIA will lead the Catechumen and or Candidate through weekly classes to a full understanding of the life of a Catholic preparing them for their eventual Full Reception into the Catholic Church during the Easter Liturgy.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed.: http://ccc.usccb.org/flipbooks/catechism/index.html 


RCIA For TeensDo you know a teen who is interested in learning more the Catholic Church? Or a teen who left the Catholic church before receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Teen RCIA is for High School students, ages 14 -17, who have not completed the reception of their Sacraments of Initiation; or for those who may be interested in joining the Roman Catholic faith.  Similar to that of the Adult RCIA program, adapted with age appropriate material, offers teens the time to be formed in the teachings and practices of Catholicism. Preparation for full communion into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation to take place during the celebration of the Easter Liturgy.

To register for either of our RCIA  programs, please contact the Parish Office at 610-847-5521 or complete the online registration form below and return to the parish office.

 Registration Form(pdf)