BAPTISM Parents are encouraged to invite family members to the 10:30 Mass as the Sacrament of Baptism takes place immediately following the Mass. Parents and Godparents must register for an enrichment class a minimum of 1 month prior to the date of Baptism. Contact the Parish Office to register for the next available class. A Godparent must be a committed, practicing Catholic, and if from another parish, must have a certificate of eligibility from his/her pastor. This certificate should be brought to the enrichment class. A Christian of another denomination may serve as a Godparent along with a practicing Catholic godparent.
CONFIRMATION The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred annually by the Bishop, typically in the Spring of their 7th level of Religious Instruction. Only those who are baptized can and should receive this sacrament which can only be received once. Two formal years of religious education is required for the preparation of this Sacrament.
FIRST PENANCE & FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONis celebrated annually by our Pastor. Parish children age 7 (2nd grade) and who have attended two consecutive years in a formal religious instruction preparation program are eligible to receive. Only those who are baptized can receive this sacrament which can only be received once.
Holy Matrimony At St. John the Baptist, parish couples planning marriage should call the Parish Office at 610-847-5521 to schedule an appointment with our wedding coordinator who will provide you the information required to move ahead with the planning of your wedding.
The couple is required to meet with our wedding coordinator approximately 6 months in advance of the intended wedding date. The couple will then meet with our parish priest on an average of two times prior to their marriage.
Our Wedding Coordinator will refer you to a Diocese approved Pre-Cana program which is required preparation for this Sacrament.
It is suggested that the period of planning for this sacrament is typically one year; exceptions for extenuating circumstances must be approved by the Pastor.
Holy Orders
If you, or someone you know is interested in entering the religious life, please schedule an appointment to speak with our Pastor for further direction.
RECONCILIATION Reconciliation is normally available from 4:15 – 4:45pm every Saturday. Two communal parish penance services are scheduled annually, one during the Advent season and the other during Lenten season. Individuals may also request a separate time for this sacrament by calling the Parish Office at 610-847-5521 to schedule an appointment with the priest.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office at any time for the Sacrament of the Sick.
For the Anointing of the Sick, one of our Priests will visit.
For our parish homebound a Communion Minister will visit to bring Communion.
It is also appropriate for those who have a scheduled surgery or hospital stay to request an anointing by our Priests before they enter the hospital.
We celebrate a Communal Anointing of the Sick in June, near the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist.